The Client Engagement Specialist (salesperson) is a non-attorney who handles the client intake and sales for the Firm. The primary functions are to conduct initial consultations with prospective new clients, convert them to clients, and successfully onboard the new client to the legal team.
Reporting Relationship:
The Salesperson reports to the Owner.
The Salesperson will work with a designated intake specialist to schedule prospective new clients that contact us for consultations and make reminder calls or send reminder messages to ensure appearance. The Salesperson has no supervisory or other authority beyond that specifically delegated by the Owner.
Additionally, the ABA’s Rules of Professional Conduct, Florida Bar, and State Bar Association rules prohibit non-attorney support staff from practicing law. All client-focused work done by the Salesperson must be in support of and under the supervision of an attorney. In dealing with clients and potential clients, the Salesperson must be careful not to inadvertently slip into the unlawful practice of law. This would include answering client questions about what will happen in their case or recommending that a client undertake a certain course of legal action during their case.
In accordance with Bar rules, the Salesperson does not give legal advice, approve client engagements, or share fees with the Firm.
1. In accordance with the ethical rules governing lawyers, the Salesperson will not provide legal advice, quote a fee (however, the Salesperson may share a fee that has been predetermined by the Owner), or enter into an engagement with a client. The Salesperson will prepare prospective clients for entering into an engagement with the Owner or other designated attorney by obtaining the client’s signature and then receiving an attorney’s approval.
2. The Salesperson will conduct in-depth meetings with Prospective New Clients for the purpose of selling legal services. During these meetings, the Salesperson will:
a. Follow policies and procedures on how to communicate with PNCs in the most effective manner.
b. Collect information about the PNCs and the matters for which they are seeking the Firm’s help.
c. Assure the PNCs that the Firm’s attorneys and staff will be able to help them.
d. Show compassion for their troubles.
e. Provide a general description of the Firm’s services in the area that the PNC needs help.
3. The Salesperson will oversee the client onboarding process:
a. Create the Engagement Agreement and accept payment, interacting with the attorney for acceptance of the contract.
b. Send emails to appropriate parties within the firm to start a new case.
c. Follow up with clients 5 days after being hired and verify that the on-boarding team has accomplished their duties.
d. Follow up with clients 15 days after being hired to ensure they are receiving great client support and answer any of their current concerns.
4. The Salesperson will stay in contact with PNCs who do not appear for their consult and PNCs that do not sign up after their initial consultation to keep the door open for them to come in when they are ready.
5. The Salesperson will keep detailed records about the number of PNCs that contact the firm, the number that are scheduled for initial consultation, come in for initial consultations, the number that engage the firm, and other associated metrics (referral source, average case value, etc.).
6. The Salesperson will actively engage in dialogue with management regarding the quality and volume of the leads, offering constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement based on “front lines” experience.
Matrix of Tasks
· Daily
· Weekly
· Monthly
· Quarterly